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Autumn Is a Great Time to Clean Your Carpet

  • By Admin
  • 04 Sep, 2019
Quality Carpet Cleaning — Woman Laying on Carpet in Fishers, IN

Most people think of deep carpet cleaning as a springtime activity and engage in a spring-cleaning routine. As such, you might think of cleaning your carpets as something best done early in the year. Carpet cleaning does get you off to a fresh start and is certainly a good addition to your spring-cleaning routine, but you don’t need to wait until next spring.

Autumn is also a great time to clean your carpets — here's why.

1. Carpet Cleaning Removes Pollen to Put Your Allergies to Rest

Plants release their pollen throughout the spring and summer, causing sneezing, itching, wheezing, and other unpleasant symptoms for allergy sufferers. As much as you might try to keep pollen outside, you're sure to track some in on your shoes or let some blow in when you open your windows.

With cooler weather on the horizon, you're about to spend more time indoors — and if pollen lingers in your home, that time indoors may be marked with allergy symptoms. Professionally cleaning your carpet will remove any built-up pollen so you can enjoy an allergy-free fall and winter. Wait to schedule your carpet cleaning appointment until mid-September when peak ragweed season has passed.

2. Carpet Cleaning Removes Mold Spores After a Humid Summer

Summers in the Indianapolis area can be pretty humid, and sustained high humidity leads to mold growth. Even if your carpet itself never grew mold, it may be laden with mold spores from mold that appeared in your bathroom, kitchen, or basement during the humid summer.

Professional extraction will often remove the mold spores so you don't keep getting new mold growth and so that you don't keep sneezing and itching in response to the mold all fall and winter.

3. Carpet Cleaning Removes Stains From Kids and Pets

If you have kids, pets, or both, chances are they had fun playing outside this past summer. Did they bring any dirt or grass back inside with them?

The longer you let these summer stains linger on the carpet, the harder they will be to remove. So clean them up this fall, rather than letting them sit until spring. You probably don't want your Thanksgiving guests dwelling on the mud stains from your toddler's July puddle-jumping adventure.

4. Carpet Cleaning in the Autumn Makes for Fast Drying

Professional carpet cleaning leaves your carpet damp, and opening the windows allows the carpet to dry faster, reducing your risk of mold growth.

You won't want to open the windows in the heat of summer or in the dead of winter. However, in the fall, temperatures are usually mild, so you can ventilate your home and facilitate drying with ease. Humidity levels tend to be lower in the fall, too, which means your carpet will dry faster.

5. Carpet Cleaning Professionals Can Apply Stain Protectors

Winter presents your carpet with a lot of stain threats. Guests may track salt and mud in on their boots. Someone might spill a glass of red wine on the carpet during a holiday party. After your carpet-cleaning professional cleans your carpet, they can apply a stain protector to guard against these winter mishaps.

Stain protectors work by bonding to the fibers of your carpet. Basically, they serve as a barrier between your carpet and anything you might spill on it. As long as you get to the spill quickly, you can generally clean it up before it leaves a lasting stain. If you apply this protector in the fall, it will still be fresh and effective throughout the winter months.

Don't assume you must wait until spring to clean your carpet. Plenty of reasons exist to check this home maintenance task off your list in the fall. Contact Smith-Mathis to schedule your appointment. We offer steam cleaning, hot water extraction, and carpet protector application.

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