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Four Things You Should Know Before Your Next Carpet Purchase

  • By (admin)
  • 02 Aug, 2017

Carpet is a beautiful floor covering that can feel quite luxurious. Eventually, like any other floor covering, it will wear out and you will need to purchase new carpeting. Unfortunately, many people don't fully understand how to buy and maintain carpets in order to get the maximum life and enjoyment out of them. This can result in carpeting that looks dull and lifeless only a couple of years after installation.

Before you go shopping for your next carpeting, it's important to understand this material as much as possible. The better you understand what you're buying, the more value you'll have. A good carpet can last two decades or more, but this is only true if you know what you're buying and also maintain it properly. Some things to know about the carpet buying process include:

1. Read the Warranty Before You Buy

A warranty doesn't make for the most exciting reading, but it is extremely important to read it anyway. Not all carpet warranties are created equal. Some carpet warranties will only offer a replacement if you can prove that the carpet had a manufacturing defect, while others will offer to replace the carpet for almost any reason short of growing to dislike it. Always choose the carpet with the best warranty that you can afford. Trying to save money by buying a cheaper carpet will only cost you more money in the long run.

2. Know the Type of Fiber Used

Carpets can be made out of a number of different materials. While nylon is the most common fiber, both polypropylene and polyester may be more stain-resistant. Natural wool carpets can be found, but they can be prohibitively expensive and will wear more easily. Each type of carpet has a number of strengths and weaknesses. Only you can decide if the strengths outweigh the weaknesses for a particular fiber type.

3. Pay for Professional Installation

At first glance, carpet seems to be easier to install than tile or wood flooring. To some degree, this is true. Carpet is, at least, faster to install and only takes a matter of hours instead of several days. However, carpet also has a grain. If you don't properly plan out how to install the carpet, different pieces will have the grain facing in opposite directions. It may not be obvious initially, but the rooms will quickly start to look like a patchwork of different colors due to the light hitting the carpet at different angles. Professionals will know how to install carpet to avoid this problem and have as little waste as possible.

4. Get Your Carpets Cleaned Regularly

For optimal results, you probably want to have your carpets professionally cleaned at least twice a year. The more frequently you can have your carpets professionally cleaned, the longer they will last. It may seem silly to pay to have carpets that look clean to be cleaned even more, but this is essential to making sure that your carpets have a long life. By the time your carpets actually look dirty, the stains may already have partially set in and may not properly come out even after multiple cleanings.

If you live in the Fishers and Indianapolis area and want to have your carpets cleaned, whether to restore their appearance or to maintain their beauty, contact Smith-Mathis Inc. Our carpet cleaning professionals are able to remove stains, repair burns, deodorize carpets, and more. A freshly cleaned carpet can make a room seem new and inviting, greatly increasing the enjoyment that you get out of that room. So contact us to set up a carpet cleaning appointment today.

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